Asbestos Removals Melbourne Professional
Asbestos is one of the scariest and frightening things that we can ever find in our homes. Asbestos is a mineral which is made up of millions of very tiny fibres. The problem with these fibres is that they are so small they can easily become airborne. If the fibres are inhaled then they can cause many health complaints, many of which are ultimately fatal. If anyone is exposed to a high amount of asbestos fibres in the air then there is a much bigger risk that this person will develop cancer or other related conditions. Asbestos is seen as a very dangerous substance, and although there have been no safe thresholds identified, it is very important to avoid all contact with it. Diseases caused by asbestos Some of the most common diseases that are caused by asbestos exposure can include things like: Lung Cancer Stomach Cancer Colon Cancer Mesothelioma Asbestosis Mesothelioma is an extremely rare type of cancer that only seems to affect people that have been exposed to as...